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APKATZ 1631 Fiji Islands - fishing with nets. Katz Fiji Islands - fishing with nets. Katz
| APKATZ 1640 Fiji Islands -boys dance at ceremony. Katz Fiji Islands -boys dance at ceremony. Katz
| APKATZ 1641 Holding the sacred fire at Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz Holding the sacred fire at Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz
| APKATZ 1642 Man with piercing at Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz Man with piercing at Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz
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APKATZ 1643 Sacrificial food and sacred fire at Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz Sacrificial food and sacred fire at Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz
| APKATZ 1644 Devotees follow those who beat the large drum, Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz Devotees follow those who beat the large drum, Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz
| APKATZ 1645 Devotees race through fire, Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz Devotees race through fire, Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz
| APKATZ 1646 Devotees race through burning coals urged on by priest dressed in Western clothes, Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz Devotees race through burning coals urged on by priest dressed in Western clothes, Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz
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APKATZ 1647 Devotees bring sacrifical food including coconuts and limes to temple. Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz Devotees bring sacrifical food including coconuts and limes to temple. Hindu firewalking ceremony, Fiji Islands. Katz
| APKAU 1626 Dogon village showing houses and granaries, Mali Derek Kauneckis Dogon village showing houses and granaries, Mali Derek Kauneckis
| APKAU 1627 Dogon cliff dwelling village showing houses and granaries, Mali Derek Kauneckis Dogon cliff dwelling village showing houses and granaries, Mali Derek Kauneckis
| APKAU 1628 Dogon cliff dwelling village showing houses and granaries, Mali Derek Kauneckis Dogon cliff dwelling village showing houses and granaries, Mali Derek Kauneckis