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APMAL 0387 Rendilli woman Mallory Rendilli woman Mallory
| APMAL 0385 Rendilli woman and camel Mallory Rendilli woman and camel Mallory
| APMAL 0386 Rendilli woman dissembling hut Mallory Rendilli woman dissembling hut Mallory
| APMAL 0383 Rendilli woman dissembling hut Mallory Rendilli woman dissembling hut Mallory

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APMAL 0384 Rendilli Camel Mallory Rendilli Camel Mallory
| APMAL 0249 Rendilli woman loads hut unto camel Mallory Rendilli woman loads hut unto camel Mallory
| APMAL 0250 Rendilli elder Dogol Mallory Rendilli elder Dogol Mallory
| APMAL 0248 Rendilli boy with murub milk container Mallory Rendilli boy with murub milk container Mallory

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APMAL 0247 Rendilli boy and baby camel compete for some milk Mallory Rendilli boy and baby camel compete for some milk Mallory
| APTHO 0376 Pastoral Pokot -Warriors Thompson Pastoral Pokot -Warriors Thompson
| APTHO 0377 Pokot -Eighth wife of a pastoral Pokot. She is from the Turkana tribe. Thompson Pokot -Eighth wife of a pastoral Pokot. She is from the Turkana tribe. Thompson
| APTHO 0374 Pastoral Pokot - During the male initiation ceremony sapana Thompson Pastoral Pokot - During the male initiation ceremony sapana Thompson