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| | APWRA 1892 Jane Goodall shows school teachers how to plant a tree for conservation education, Uganda, 1994 Richard Wrangham Jane Goodall shows school teachers how to plant a tree for conservation education, Uganda, 1994 Richard Wrangham
| APBIE 1786 Social Anthropologist, Megan Biesele, plays tape recorder of San's songs, myths and stories back to them, Kalahari Desert, Botswana Megan Biesele Social Anthropologist, Megan Biesele, plays tape recorder of San's songs, myths and stories back to them, Kalahari Desert, Botswana Megan Biesele
| APJEN 1722 Paleoanthropologists Jack Fisher, Glynn Isaac, and Desmond Clark excavate a test pit in the Ituri Forest of Zaire. Jenike Paleoanthropologists Jack Fisher, Glynn Isaac, and Desmond Clark excavate a test pit in the Ituri Forest of Zaire. Jenike
| APKON 1467 Anthropologist Marjorie Shostak in the field, Kalahari Desert, Botswana Melvin Konner Anthropologist Marjorie Shostak in the field, Kalahari Desert, Botswana Melvin Konner
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| | APSIL 1423 Anthroplogist interviews Bozo woman of Mali. Sills Anthroplogist interviews Bozo woman of Mali. Sills
| APDEV 1669 Linguist Francesca Merlin studies language in remote Highland New Guinea, an old warrior is on her right with necklace that is his bank account. Mt. Hagen PNG, 1981 Irven DeVore Linguist Francesca Merlin studies language in remote Highland New Guinea, an old warrior is on her right with necklace that is his bank account. Mt. Hagen PNG, 1981 Irven DeVore
| APLEE 1670 Sociologist Nancy Howell interviewing !Kung San about acquaintence networks, with the help of an interpreter who is showing photographs of the San to other San, Kalahari desert, Botswana Lee Sociologist Nancy Howell interviewing !Kung San about acquaintence networks, with the help of an interpreter who is showing photographs of the San to other San, Kalahari desert, Botswana Lee
| APBAM 1673 Anthropologist T. Turner tape records Kayapo Indians, Members of the Bird Society and their young initiates - Gorotire, Central Brazil Bamburger Anthropologist T. Turner tape records Kayapo Indians, Members of the Bird Society and their young initiates - Gorotire, Central Brazil Bamburger
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| | APDEZ 1675 Anthropologist Lars Smith with Hadza, Tanzania De Zolduondo Anthropologist Lars Smith with Hadza, Tanzania De Zolduondo
| APHOS 1674 Anthropologist Hoskins recieving meat from Kodi, West Sumba, Indonesia Hoskins Anthropologist Hoskins recieving meat from Kodi, West Sumba, Indonesia Hoskins
| APDEV 1671 Anthroplogist Richard Lee recording the playing of a musical bow,!Kung San, Kalahari desert, Botswana DeVore Anthroplogist Richard Lee recording the playing of a musical bow,!Kung San, Kalahari desert, Botswana DeVore
| APDEV 1676 Linguist Alan Rumsey listens to Warrior from Highland New Guinea, PNG, 1981 Irven DeVore Linguist Alan Rumsey listens to Warrior from Highland New Guinea, PNG, 1981 Irven DeVore
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