| | APAGE 1394 Anthropologist Irven DeVore watching Orangutans, Sabah, Malaysia Agee Anthropologist Irven DeVore watching Orangutans, Sabah, Malaysia Agee
| APDEV 1395 Nancy DeVore keeping her balance as Joan the Orangutan tries to pull her down to play, Sabah, Malaysia DeVore Nancy DeVore keeping her balance as Joan the Orangutan tries to pull her down to play, Sabah, Malaysia DeVore
APDEV 1396 Anthropologist David Agee climbing vines to watch Orangutans, Sabah, Malaysia DeVore Anthropologist David Agee climbing vines to watch Orangutans, Sabah, Malaysia DeVore
| APWRA 1397 Anthropologist Birute Galdikas talking to Chris Schurmann about male Orangutan, at Camp Leakey, Kalimantan, Borneo Wrangham Anthropologist Birute Galdikas talking to Chris Schurmann about male Orangutan, at Camp Leakey, Kalimantan, Borneo Wrangham
| APLAM 1367 Young Orangutan hanging from branch, Borneo Laman Young Orangutan hanging from branch, Borneo Laman
| APLAM 1368 Young Orangutan hanging from vine, Borneo Laman Young Orangutan hanging from vine, Borneo Laman